Thorns & Roses is an intimate exploration of familial bonds, resilience, and the fragility of life. Through a series of photographs, this project uncovers the complex emotions experienced within a matriarchal household grappling with the challenges of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease, showing the impact of caregiving in such circumstances.
Inspired by the unwavering strength of my grandmother and mother, I capture moments of tenderness, struggle, and fleeting clarity. Each image serves as a visual narrative, weaving together the beauty of roses with the harsh reality of thorns. These symbolize the dichotomy of joy and pain inherent in our journey and mirror the emotional pressure of caregiving for loved ones with these illnesses.
The project’s title, Thorns & Roses, encapsulates the paradoxical nature of our reality, where moments of solace and beauty are intertwined with the harshness of adversity, highlighting the challenges faced by families affected by Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. Especially in the absence of adequate medical support for these debilitating conditions.
Thorns & Roses invites viewers to contemplate the complexities of love, loss, and resilience, reminding us of the impact familial relationships have on shaping our identities and navigating life’s inevitable challenges.

Dear Mom and Grandma,
I hope this letter finds you both in comfort and peace, even amidst the thorns that life has presented us lately. As I reflect on our family’s journey, I am compelled to express my deepest gratitude and admiration for both of you through a project very dear to my heart: Thorns and Roses.
Growing up in our matriarchal household shaped me in profound ways. From the gentle guidance of my grandmother to the unwavering strength of my mother, I learned the true essence of love, resilience, and determination. Despite the absence of a man in our home due to my parents’ divorce, the presence of our grandfather, though quiet, was a pillar of support and care.
Grandma, your decision to not walk anymore shook us to the core. Witnessing your decline has been heartbreaking, yet amidst the confusion of Alzheimer’s, glimpses of clarity remind us of your enduring spirit. Your garden, once a source of pride and joy, now stands as a testament to your love for life and beauty.
Mom, your recent diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease has left me grappling with emotions too complex to articulate. Your independence and passion for gardening have always been sources of inspiration for me. Watching you struggle to tend to your beloved garden breaks my heart, yet your resilience in the face of adversity remains unwavering.
Thorns and Roses is my homage to both of you. The title encapsulates the dichotomy of our reality: the beauty of the roses symbolizing moments of escape and solace, juxtaposed with the pain of the thorns representing the harshness of our current circumstances. The cover, adorned in the colours of your roses, Mom, and intricately woven threads resembling the branches, serves as a visual representation of my love and respect for you both.
As I pour my heart into this project, I want you both to know that you have shaped me into the man I am today. Your love, sacrifices, and unwavering strength have been my guiding lights through life’s darkest moments. Though words may fail to convey the depth of my gratitude, please know that my love for you both knows no bounds.
I love you.