Steven Oberland and Michael Tiedke have titled their 95-page photo book „Muddy Diary,“ a culmination of their work during the seminar titled „Human Optimization – Athletics, Prosthetics, Cosmetics,“ conducted in the second semester at Ruhrakademie in Schwerte. The seminar theme draws inspiration from a lecture by the philosopher Peter Sloterdijk.

Focused on the aspect of athleticism, Oberland and Tiedke captured images at various locations featuring recreational military exercises labeled as fun events for Kevin Everyman and Jenny Everywoman. These mass gatherings take inspiration from special units in the US and British military. One wonders, whom or what are these military enthusiasts preparing for on that hypothetical day X? How closely do their activities resemble those of the neo-Nazi paramilitary group led by Michael Kühnen?

In their photographs, the students of photography have skillfully condensed the depicted concepts, revealing the underlying irrationality simmering beneath the surface of everyday life. What motivates individuals to collectively crawl under barbed wire through mud, find enjoyment in administered electric shocks, and sign a declaration acknowledging that this amusement may culminate in death by drowning or other fatal scenarios?

Could this be an expression of fatigue with democracy? Perhaps.